week recap

End of May & Memorial Day Weekend by Anthony Ngu

During the week, I ended up shooting with a bunch of cool creative people and brought out the DIY "light sabre" for some rainbow lit portraits again.

Aside from a couple outings like that, it was a pretty normal week but wow was it a busy weekend.

I started off with a 5 am hike to Lake Serene with a couple of friends and we had a great time hiking through the forest, checking out the waterfalls, and jumping into Lake Serene which was frozen at this time!

139 Likes, 9 Comments - Anthony - a(new)life (@angulife) on Instagram: "It's almost the weekend! Time to jump into another frozen lake? . 📷 Sony A7RII w/ Zeiss 18mm Batis..."

I made it back to Seattle barely in time for the monthly StreetMeetWA meet at 3pm that was hosted at the Jim Ellis Freeway Park. 

This month's meet was co-hosted with Public Aspect a local Seattle brand that was started by thirdoptic. We had a great turnout and a bunch of cool ideas that were being shot during the couple hours spent there. I got a couple cool shots and ended up filming clips for a vlog that I made of the day. (check it out here)

After a full day of activity and walking, I ended up falling asleep and then spent most of Saturday just relaxing at home, editing photos and videos, and organizing my place with some house chores. I'm sure this happens to others as well, but I tend to get a bit messy when I'm unpacking/re-packijg my bags often. 

On Sunday I spent most of the day hanging out on my friends boat and wakeboarding for the first time! It was amazingly fun and although I didn't grab any clips of people wakeboarding with the drone, it's definitely something that I'm planning on doing in the future. I managed to stand and ride for a good minute or so before falling (no jumps yet)

What a weekend.. so many photos to edit

Beginning of the Weekend Posts by Anthony Ngu

I've decided to spend some time at the end of each weekend writing about the adventures that I undertook over the past week / weekend and things that have been going on.

So to start that off, here's what my week consisted of!

I spent a couple days after work shooting with the DIY "light sabre" that I made a couple weeks ago. The first shoot was with Roma (aka rgp57) and we tried out some light painting ideas that we both had as well as an angel wing shot that I've been trying to grab.

The second shoot was with Brona (aka babycakes1920) and b_boxx  for a bit of light painting, rainbow lit portraits, and overall fun shots.

The rest of the week was pretty normal and filled with climbing, hanging out, etc.

Once the weekend arrived, my gf and I headed up to Vancouver to hang out with a friend up there and to check out the Richmond Night Market. We spent a majority of the day eating good food.  I attempted to create a vlog based on that trip, during which I tested out a couple framed intro shots that I've been meaning to try out. It worked out really well, but overall the footage wasn't interesting enough to warrant a vlog (in my opinion). It's something that I'll have to get better at, or to figure out how to make it more interesting for the viewer..